Our dedicated team work seamlessly with you, saving time without losing the personal touch. Discover high-quality solutions for every step of your client journey.
Our dedicated team work seamlessly with you, saving time without losing the personal touch. Discover high-quality solutions for every step of your client journey.
Our premium paraplanning service provides high-quality, compliant advice backed by a rigorous 3-stage review process.
Our experienced Quality Assurance Managers and Paraplanners will support your business.
Our tech-driven process creates advice documents 10 times faster than industry averages.
Our 3-step review process ensures your advice documents are compliant and thoroughly vetted.
We'll challenge you technically to ensure you get the best outcome for your clients.
Padua make moving money easy.. When consolidating platforms, switching investments or purchasing/selling a book, we remove the headache of practices completing this on their own.
Padua Compare is a point-of-sale tool that instantly highlights the fee & feature benefits of transitioning to your platform & investments.
Our dedicated team will highlight the benefits of our transition partnership, confirm service levels & pricing, and highlight next steps.
Client book analysis gives the advice firm a detailed view of their client base, and the confidence to know they are transition ready!
The advice firm can segment clients based on preferences, establish the timeline and how they will engage clients. The transition is set!
Padua now produces the transition pack including the SOA, transfer authority and other transition documents, with tracking in real-time.
The advice firm uploads the transition pack back to their CRM, or Padua can push back to our CRM integration partners – including Xplan.